ALL TITLES (F = fiction, NF = non-fiction, P = poetry) A-L The After FAll the Quiet Places FAll That Matters FAngry Queer Somali Boy: A Complicated Memoir NFArctic Front: Defending Canadian Interests in the Far North NFAs Chimney Sweepers Come to Dust FBlanket Toss Under the Midnight Sun NFBlood in the Water: A True Story of Revenge in the Maritimes NFBones of a Giant FBookweird FBookweirder FBookweirdest FCanadian Whisky: The New Portable Expert, Third Edition NFCaprice FThe Cartesian Rift, or The TEDification of Experience NFChina Dog FChoose Me FClub of Frauds FThe Dead in Their Vaulted Arches FThe Definitive Guide to Canadian Distilleries NFDisorientation: Being Black in the World NFEdgelands: Exploring Society’s Margins NFExculpatory Lilies PThe Falling Maria FFloating Like the Dead FFresh Girls and Other Stories FGarcía's Heart FGAZE: Intimate Encounters with Photography NFThe Girls FThe Golden Tresses of the Dead FThe Grave's a Fine and Private Place FGreen Mountain Academy FHalfbreed NFThe Hanging of Angélique NFThe Heart Does Break NFHunger: The Poetry of Susan Musgrave PI Am Half-Sick of Shadows FInside Out FThe Jade Peony FLake of the Prairies NFThe Light Is Breaking FLike Rabbits FThe Lull-A-Baby Sleep Plan NF M-Z The Measure of Darkness FMidnight at the Dragon Café FMistakes to Run With NFMonkey Beach FMoon of the Crusted Snow FMoon of the Turning Leaves FThe Mountain Story FMysterious Fragrance of the Yellow Mountains FNot Yet NFOther Women FPaper Shadows NFPeace Pipe Dreams: The Truth about Lies about Indians NFPlaces of the Heart: The Psychogeography of Everyday Life NFProbably Ruby FRed Fox Road FA Red Herring Without Mustard FReproduction FReturn of the Trickster FRunaway: Diary of a Street Kid NFRush Home Road FShelter FThe Shoebox Bible NFSon of a Trickster FThe Sorceress of Sky Serpents FSpark: How Guaranteed Employment Drives Lincoln Electric And How It Can Help American Business NFSpeaking from Among the Bones FStarlight Tour NFThe Sweetness at the Bottom of the Pie FA Taste of Haida Gwaii NFThat Time I Loved You FThis Little Light FThrice the Brinded Cat Hath Mew'd FThunder Through My Veins NFToddlers Made Easy NFTo the Bridge FTraplines FTrickster Drift FThe Weed That Strings the Hangman's Bag FWhat I Mean to Say: Remaking Conversation in our Time NFWhat Time the Sexton’s Spade Doth Rust FWhere Am I? NFWhere Beauty Survived NFWhylah Falls PThe Wife's Tale FWOLF, MOON, DOG: A FABLE FThe Woman on the Bus NFThe Year of Finding Memory NFYou Are Here NFYou’ve Changed F